1080P tv or Projector ???

I have a choice to make. Do I buy a Mitsubishi Diamond 73" TV with 1080P, or do I get a Yamaha DPX 1300 projector with a 100" screen. For reasons I won't go into now, I will pay almost equal price for either one. The Yamaha is 720P, not 1080P. My friend has assures me I will be much happier with the Yamaha. I will have Satelite, and Cable, both with High Def.
A very good Dvd player and also a Blue Ray player. I have a DVDO+ processor also. What will I want to watch all these sources on? Any informed responses will be greatly appreciated.
Ag insider logo xs@2xsnooker14

projectors are nice
but they don't deliver black levels and colors like a plasma

definitely hold out for reasonable 1080p

pioneer (new models coming in fall) or panasonic (new 58" at under $5k!)
Audiotomb: I disagree.... about color pop like a plasma... if you get the right screen an LCD projector can pop in color like a plasma and not have the green and red push problems of a plasma. Black level isn't CRT level but neither is Plasma... But I have never missed anything with my projector tuned up with Avia or Digital Essentials. This is a critical setup feature to get the details in the blacks right.

Answer Vultec Silverstar Screen!!! Outstanding in a darkened room. Colors jump from the screen and are visible from any angle!

1080p is great on a 58" if you sit 6-8 feet away otherwise it's a waste of money. I use a 37" 1080p LCD monitor at 3' for my computer and that rocks!

Snooker14: Congrats on going with a Projector now you will never go back!
1080p is not a waste of money past 8 ft
you can clearly see artifacts on 1080i you can't see on 1080p