@ilikeclassical look at my office. It was a PIA to make sound great. I have 6 monitors and 1 silent computer. I sit at the desk and have NOTHING between the speakers and my ears. I say do the same thing for yourself or at least try it out.
Office System | Virtual Listening Room (audiogon.com)
I am not a huge classical music listener, but I would think you want something with depth and a big soundstage. The Maggies are great at this type of sonic presentation. They also have less issues with side wall reflection. All of these points on how the sound gets to your ears are important in a small space. Especially, if you have ears that get irritated by bad sound and spend a lot of hours working.
As I said before the LRS+ is killer in my smaller space. In your space it would also be great, maybe even a bigger Maggie. However, if I were you I would also consider the
Diptyque audio - Hauts-parleurs plans Haute-Fidélité - dp107 at $8k
Diptyque audio - Hauts-parleurs plans Haute-Fidélité - dp-140MKII at $18k
for your space. The reason being that the above 2 speakers are supposed to sound like a cleaner Maggie. The LRS+ is not the cleanest sounding speaker to me, but with my CODA #16 amp it is just beautiful. The above 2 speakers are supposed to have even better ribbons than the LRS+.
I am not going to try the Diptyque speakers because I think my room is too small and I do not want to mess with a good thing. I have less margin for error, unless I use the DSP I mentioned earlier.
For a monitor the Yamaha NS3000 at $15k CAD would be great. Definitely, better drivers than the KEF Reference 1 and many others. I have the bigger NS5000 and the drivers on that are unsurpassed. Nobody has a tweeter, mid, and 12-inch woofer made from the same material, with the material having the same performance characteristics of Beryllium.
Lucky for you both suggestions I make are available in Canada for demo. Not so in the USA.