1975 New Reflektor 6n23p SWGP or Siemens/Amperex/Telefunken Cca?

Contemplating shooting for the moon with the 6DJ8/6922 tube type.  The moon appears to be either the 1975 New Reflektor 6n23p SWGP or Siemens/Amperex/Telefunken Cca.  For reference, the link below asserts the former is the Holy Grail.


Curious what the here assembled opine.

Would be installed into a 2006 Dodd Battery Powered Preamp that is currently populated with early 1960s Siemens large halo getter e188cc (7308), which are great.  Objective of the moonshot would be more of the same that the current tubes are delivering...if such is possible.  Or, as any card carrying audiophile would espouse, something even better.

Thanks in advance for opinions, particularly from any audionaughts who have taken this particular journey.
I have around 30 pairs of Voskhod Rockets dated ’73 to ’85, bought as a lot more than a decade ago, before they caught on. While some years are better than others, they all share a family resemblance in my VAC Phi Beta preamp: clear, balanced, detailed, and harmonically on the lean side. For comparison, I also have a bunch of Hamburg Valvo Red Labels, which are harmonically richer while still being detailed and balanced, and USA Amperex USN-CEP 7308 from 1964, and some NOS Seimens. The Voskhods are closer to the USA Amperex and Seimens than to the Valvos in their presentation--again, detailed, balanced, but a bit lean. I happen to like the Valvo Red Label sound. My point is you can pick up a pair of Voskhods from one of the less-fetishized years for pretty cheap and get a sense of whether you like that sound, then decide where to spend large.
Good stuff wrm; thank you!  I'll look into both the Voskhods and the Red Label Valvos.

Much appreciated rodman.  I did try some NOS NIB French made Mazda (Dario labeled) blue tip e188cc from Brent Jessee in pursuit of a tad more harmonic richness, which indeed they delivered, but the sound was less real than the the afore mentioned Siemens provide.  Also tried some orange globe Amperex 7308; similar result.  

Getting the sense that there's probably not much room for improvement on this front...and the associated sense that I'm lucky to be where I'm at on this front!

Really lucky actually; the matched Siemens e188cc were bought from Upscale Audio in 1997 and used for only a few months in a Sonic Frontiers SFS-80 amp before selling the amp and stashing the tubes...only discovered the tubes in an old Rooney Brushes of England shaver box where I stashed them (24 years ago!) a couple months ago!  Yes, lucky indeed. 

Thanks very much for the experientially earned insights gentlemen.  I'll stick with those happily discovered Siemens tubes.  One case of audio nervosa cured :)