1st 24 hrs with kanta 3s

I’ve had my Kanta 3s in my system about 24 hours now. They replaced a set of B&W 803Ss. My first observation is that a lot of my favorite old songs are poorly recorded & hard to listen to. I played some of my wifes favorite songs & her reaction was a frown. I’ve been on the Spot listening to classical, blues,Jazz & good rock. The good news is I get to hear my tunes all over again.These speakers are so revealing it amazes me. The whole room is a sound stage now. I’m looking forward to hooking up a new preamp tomorrow if only to hear what else I’ve been missing. Some one on here said if you’re happy with your system ya might not want to upgrade. Now I know why. No big news, I’m just rattling.
probably need to give them time, your ears time, and move them around a bit to before judging them.
I'm liking them so far. Much better than my B&Ws.  I pulled em out a little farther from the wall & set the toe in. 
I have a pair of Kanta No 2s, with REL S/5 subs.  My Kantas took a long time to fully break in.  Most of the break in was the first 100 hours.  But they continued to smooth out for the next few months.  I do envy you with the 3s - they weren’t out when I bought my 2s.