I agree with Kr4's 1st paragraph! Been there, done that, and fortunately I just blew a fuse in one of the amps! :-(
I now run two sets of cables from different amps using banana plugs. Far superior to introducing a switching devise and only a small bit of work to unplug one set of bananas and plug in the other. Personally I can't hear a difference between spades and bananas. If your amps are next to each other and accept bananas you can plug them into and out of the appropriate amp and use spades at the speaker for a more secure connection and have only one set of cables.
I now run two sets of cables from different amps using banana plugs. Far superior to introducing a switching devise and only a small bit of work to unplug one set of bananas and plug in the other. Personally I can't hear a difference between spades and bananas. If your amps are next to each other and accept bananas you can plug them into and out of the appropriate amp and use spades at the speaker for a more secure connection and have only one set of cables.