@geoffkait > Bingo
Blindjim > PWB & experience?
one day I’m almost certain you will be the primary reason for my next heart attacxk. It will occur the exact moment you actually begin making good sense.
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@ghosthouse > Sorry. No interest in "clubs".
Blindjim > Tanks.
If its gonna be about semantics….
what do you call this forum but just another name for a club?
You did join it. Ala membership.
You attend regularly.
You sign in with a secret password.
You’ve been in it a long time.
You abide by its rules and regulations.
You continue to return to it.
Its obviously a source of entertainment or interaction.you are committed to.
You regularly contribute.
I am curious now, how do you define ‘club’?
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randy-11 > alternatively, high end audio is when people think they get very high SQ from spending a lot of money for something
blindjim > thanks.
= = = == = = = = = =
I would be willing to wager someone without any experience, but with a lot of money would do exceedingly well in this ‘club’ or ‘sport’ or past time’ or hobby’, or interest’, or concern’, . or endeavor’, or exercise’, or, well, use the term you like the most except High End Audio. No one here seems to be able to define that one very well at all.