Hello everyone,
OK. You made the trip and or really wanted to, are ready to see everything on your short list.


aside from those who will or want to do it all, what rooms would you put on your short list to check out foremost?

last year I had few preffs on what to see. I wanted to see it all going in but that changed given logistics, waiting times, and then locating the particular gear to check out. this year I’ll use a different approach and check out just those items I’m really interested in, and if time permits, see some other rooms

so, what is your standard Audio Show plan?
BTW, I got the bit on wearing comfy shoes!

or, what is it in this show you defintely want to hear?

I missed a couple of the big room heavy hitters  last year like MBsL and VAC/VSA. and interestingly enough stumbled into the MurAudio/Merrill Audio demo simply was sheer audio Heaven as was the Classic Audio/Atmas/PAD in the big room called the Pavillion.
hopefully there will be another unexpected setup that has the same hair rasing effect on the senses this year. I wonder who it will be?


@blindjim     The MP-1 is a preamplifier (as in music preamplifier one) and the MA-1 is an amplifier (as in music amplifier one). So no such beast as an MP-1 amp. To my knowledge, Ralph typically shows the M60s or the Novacrons when pairing with Classic Audio.

sorry 'bout the assignements on the MA1 & MP1 items.

these were on hand anbd playing when I entered the room as they were driving the T3s while I spoke with Ralph for a bit.

apparently the two systems were aimed at differing demographics or budgets, albeitr my assuption was the source  was identical and the cabling  duplicated, but that last bit on wires for the T3 rig is purely guess work

the  presentation from the T1s array and that of the T3 arrangement reproved tor easily justified he cost differences between them. with the T1 outfit holding the better hand of the cards being dealt that saturday.  .
I just bought a set of these. I had been looking for speakers for a while and listened to a lot of them. I was going with a set of the Tekton mini-Ulfs but before they were available I had to get off the list. I ended up liking these even more.
The Corvus towers are not a Celeste with a bottom woofer though. The Celeste is a one piece ported speaker and the upper part of the Corvus id a non ported enclosure. I know the tweeter is a different driver - I am not sure on the mid range drivers.
Some of the cleanest sound I have heard. I can't wait to get them and glad to stop shopping for speakers!