24 bit/44.1?

The digi out on my B&K phono 10 is supposedly ( according to the manual) a 24bit/44.1 signal? Does this make sense ? BTW - whatever it is -sounds great thru my Becnchmark DAC-1.
Ag insider logo xs@2xstonedeaf
That's interesting!

Yeah, 24-bit word-length (bit depth) can be used with any sampling rate, that's just an uncommon/interesting choice. Those 8 bits mean a much higher dynamic range capability and a much lower noise floor.

Even their manual says "for CD quality recording." If it really is 24 bit, it's even better than CD quality. Puzzling indeed.
It is different but honeywell computers used to use what was called a bit and half to a bite. The bites were 12 bit's so that they could have a higher transfer information if I remember correctly. But it been a long time since I played with 1's and 0's.
The SPDIF protocol provides locations in each subframe for 24 bits. They might simply (and misleadingly) be basing their statement on that, and setting the 8 least signficant bits to 0, or they might really be using some or all of those bits. There's no way to tell without more information than is provided in the manual (which I took a look at, btw).

-- Al
I personally prefer upto 20 bits maximum, 24 bits is not as musical as 20 bits. 24 bits are more detailed and slightly bassy but lacks mid range. My 20 Bits Monarchy Dac out performed many 24/192 DACs musically, 20 bit is very musical.