3-Dimensional Soundstage

I have appreciated a quite nice separation of instruments in my system's soundstage.  I have read many times about people experiencing depth in their music and have never appreciated this.  I was talking to an audiophile friend this week about it and he brought up the fact that recorded music is a mix of tracks and how could there be any natural depth in this?  If there was a live recording then yes, it is understandable, but from all studio music that is engineered and mixed, where would we get depth?  Are the engineers incorporating delays to create depth?


First , spare me your sarcasm ....

Second , i cannot take seriously your opinion...I will believe Choueiri...

You just said yourself that you had listen to this alleged "coloration" through a video (sic) on your monitor ?...😊

You are a humorist ?

No one can figure out very subtle aspects of timbre perception or spatial qualities about the acoustic of an alien system through a video of youtube played through his own system room ...Guess why ? 😁

We must be there to perceive the qualities in all subtleties...

Now suppose you are right and the BACCH filters degrade tonal timbre, seriously, do you think all reviewers acclaiming it and listening to it are deaf to these degradation of timbre save you with your "golden ears" and your "magical"  monitors  judging it through youtube video ?

Do you think Choueiri will bet his physicist reputation to make a dime with a defectuous toy ?


And by the way the BACCH filters dont repair the acoustic of a bad room or re-place it either ....And they dont replace the gear system defects on which they are used no more than they correct the prejudice of those who dont want to understand or dont understand Choueiri papers ...

I answered your question in your post above...

Instead of understanding the answer you posted non sense and sarcasm to me ...


You acted then exactly like Trump or Biden groupies believing without understanding ....

And if i never listened to the BACCH filters but at least i understand what i read , and Dr. Choueiri is not a marketer for an audio toy by the way , he is an acoustician and a physicist ...

"For the alleged added "coloration" ... Read Dr. Choueiri explanation... There is no added coloration and this is why the BACCH filters innovate compared to other crosstalk cancellation dsp ...If the BACCH filters could add coloration they will not be an acoustic revolution but a more or less useless tool just a toy ..."


But I can certainly hear a difference in mihorn videos, so there is added (rather subtracted) coloration on my monitor regardless of the good Dr’s explanation.

Hey, I know of someone who insists he won a major election and figures that if he says it often enough, people will believe it even if not true, whether he believes it or not.

By the way if we could  and if we may perceive some relative and alleged differences between two systems ( as i did and as you did for milhorn and your system  asking our opinions ) recorded and compared through youtube or videos from the internet , we cannot really judge these two systems completely, fairly  and seriously without being there in person ...

There is no way to judge a specific system , save if it is a very bad one or  evidently relatively defectuous  or lacking  on one aspect , compared  to another one recorded with a different  mic  at distance through our own system ...

The fact that you did not like my opinion is one thing , the fact that i can be correct in the absolute sense is out of question... I only compared milhorn and yours through my own system... It was a game between two different recording  not a truthfull evaluation of each one system/room ...

It seems the two of you take this game a bit too seriously about speakers  ...

A system/room must be heard in person ...Speakers give sound in a room ...No room is the same ...

Anything else claiming to be a judgement is not serious ...

It is  only a game ...




“ "More critically, the BACCH filter doesn’t introduce any coloration to the signal."

Not supported from the videos presented here.”


you can’t begin to judge the BACCH SP by a video. 


“Additionally, if the primary intent is to remove crosstalk, why do they recommend it for headphones where crosstalk is not an issue, and why shouldn’t one just buy the best headphones out there for far less $$$?”

headphones present different issues. Two totally different filters.