3 versions of "The Captain and Me" compared

Doobie Brothers – The Captain and Me.
This is an all-time favourite album so I have purchased various versions to find the best sound.
I have compared the Mobile Fidelity SACD, the Friday Music vinyl with the Speakers Corner version. I have used a Rega 3-24 turntable with Garrot Brothers cartridge ($1,500AUD) and a Yamaha CD-S2000 SACD player ($2,500AUD) for the comparisons.
The winner by a mile is Speakers Corner vinyl. It is full rich and deep compared to the others. Speakers Corner have used master analogue tapes, NO digital fiddling and used pure analogue in the cutting process which has delivered richest sound of all.
The Friday Music version is the worst. It lacks bass and depth. They “remaster” digitally and I suspect that is where we are being robbed of all the rich sound.
The Mofi SACD is better than the Friday Music but not as good as the Speakers Corner.
I have played these versions to two other respected friends and they also picked the Speakers Corner as the best by far.
So if you want the full rich fidelity that this album contains get the Speakers Corner version. It is awesome!
I'm partial to the Nautilas 1/2 speed lp. Have not heard the speaker's corner yet. I tend to like vinyl when the original recording is analog.
.....my apology for not answering your thread, but would like to add that this is truly an amazing album / disc. This music is almost 40 years old.....and one of my personal all-time favorites and definitely an '' island record'' that I would take with me. All I have is the Redbook CD ( did have the album about when it came out ) and wish there was a better CD recording for this one. I will enjoy the music on this one for many more years to come.