01-11-09: Clio09
Heard the new AMR 777 integrated at CES this week. Very nice and features tube preamp section with solid state amp section. Price is around $3500 new.
Its big brother, the AM-77 is also interesting, though i'm not sure whether you could get a second hand one for the 5k budget. I've been listening to lots of different integrateds recently and in the case of the AMR i wrote my thoughts here AMR AM-77 Review
01-13-09: Rtilden
Don't overlook the CODA CSi Limited Edition made in Sacramento, California. First class, high quality build with powerful (220W), dynamic, musical sonics, all with remote control. If interested, run a search on Audiogon for previous reviews/comments. And, you will save somewhere around $800 from your budget.
I have to agree with Ron. The only problem with the CSi Limited is that more people are not aware of it. The company doesn't seem to have much visibility.