I used to own Monarchy33 in the days of old(I'm not too old afterall),listening to music on the heavier side. Yes, I was a fans of anti nowhere league and Sex Pistol too, my music liking back then also encompassed a great variety of other materials from female vocalists to grind metals. The 33 handled them very well.It brought back that studio feeling I used to have jamming with my mates. Does it sound warm? I don't really remember hearing anything warm in to studio but the feeling certainly make your blood warmer when the music play. I don't think what you want is something warm or cold but something that give you back music. The 33 may not be the best but considering using it as a Pre/DAC with one extra layer removed from your system, it just make sense that it will be easier for you to fine tune the sound. It has got clean sound but not too clinical. Infact there is no electrical instrument produce sound by itself. All gone thru mixer and other layers of recording equipments, the monarchy gave U just that, not electric guitar sound so clean like an accoustic one without amplification. Accurate but not to the point of unfriendliness to domestic use. If you can get to listen to this, perhaps you already did. Do give it some attention. Sometimes higher the bit doesn't promise smoothness. For heavier music you need something smooth with attack. Yes, these 2 do come hand in hand. It's the matter of degree. Benchmark should be a good machine as well but you pay much more than a used 33. Both can be use as Pre/DAC. BTW, what's your setup.