6L6 or 300B or 2A3?

I'm currently running an Audio Innovations 500 integrated with Pearl Cryo (SED) 6L6GC's and think it sounds fantastic with my Moth Audio Cicada's...

But might I get something more out of a 300B or 2A3-based system?

I realize there are tons of variables involved, but does anyone have thoughts on why one might render more resolution or dynamics than the other?

I listen to everything from classic rock to modern rock to jazz to electronic to classical to solo guitar and piano.

Let me know what your thoughts are.

If your thinking of trying a 2A3 triode,definitively try a 45 tube.One thing I don't know is why they sound the way they do.When a friend of mine first tried his out,we both said there is something right about it.We were paying attention to the music instead of finding flaws in the amp as we always did.
not sure that a 2a3 or 45 tube amp (unless it were a PP or parallel SE amp) would be enough wattage for the Cicada. If I remember correctly these are @ 90db efficiency. If your room is small it might work fine. 6l6 is a nice tube though as well ... hang on to the 6l6 amp for a couple months if you decide to go with another. sometimes a change is nice but not ultimately better. you may end up going back to the 6l6
Just found this on TNT Audio's site:
"The Cicada is rated at 94dB/1W/1M, efficient enough for almost any 2A3 or 300B SET amplifier."
did not think they were that efficient ... I stand corrected ... if your room is big I still don't know if a 2a3 or 45 would cut it but worth a try I guess!
They may be to inefficient.The 45 only puts out 1.5-2 watts if
I'm remembering right.10-12 watts plus sounds more fair if its
not a large room.