6L6 tube recommendations requested

anyone have experience suggesting which of the
the 6L6 current production tubes may sound better than others? My amp (Baron) requires 12, so expensive NOS not really feasable. the amp sounds best with Siemens EL34's, imo, but the Mesa folks say that I would have far fewer problems with 6L6's, due to lower operating voltage, apparently. Originally used 5881's (from Mesa), which have some good qualities, but not equal to EL34's, in that amp. recommendations appreciated.
Got two matched quads of re-issue/recreate (Russian) Tung-Sols from Jim McShane for my ARC D-90b. Very happy with them - not outrageously expensive . Daily use amp - so these have picked up about 500 hours in a relatively short time - still stable and sound wonderful.
Shuguang/Valve Art KT66 are the best sounding 6L6 replacements I've found/heard - and not terribly expensive.