750 US MC cartridge options

I amthinking of upgrading to an MC cartridge in the <750 US price range,I am familiar with the Denon 103R (great cart to my ears) but there are some other options from Zyx, used Koetsu Black or Sumiko which I also found interesting.

I will kindly appreciate your comments/suggestions of options you might consider based on your experience, please check my system below.

i'm using a Reson Aciore, which is, i believe $515 USD, and it is the best cart i've used under 1k. i'm also mating it with an RB-300 and having used (on different tables) a Dynavector 10x4, a Linn Arkiv mk ii, and a Van den Hul Colibri - only the colibri stands out as being a better cartridge in my mind. they (reson) also make the Etile, which is exactly $750. i haven't heard it, but i have heard their 2k cartridge, and it's among the best i've ever heard. i imagine its quality, like its price, lies between the two.

reson carts aren't very well-known, but i promise you that for the money, you'll be hard pressed to find anything as musical.
Dynavector Karat and Shelter 501 for just a bit more are popular choices. Sumiko Blackbird and the new ZYX Bloom may be good choices too. Those cartridges represent a wide range in specifications and sonic signatures. If you like the 103R, the Shelter 501 may be a good choice for you.
I am satified with my Kontrapunkt B from Ortofon and the company should remain in business if the past is any guarantee of the future.