840C and MHDT Havana

Hi all. I wanted to ask if anyone has had experience with both the Cambridge Audio 840C and the MHDT Havana DAC. I will primarily be using these playing lossless files through my Macbook, and using a fairly warm but dynamic OTL tube amp. I can get these for around the same price (Havana new, 840C used).

I am particularly sensitive in the HF region so am a little weary of comments I have read about the 840C's "digital sheen" / brightness; though some have said that 200h+ helps smooth that out (not sure to what extent and if the brighness is an inherent trait). The NOS, filterless, opampless design of the Havana appeals to me to from a purist and musicality perspective. I wonder if these two essentially play in the same sonic league, albeit with very different presentations.

I suspect the Havana will do well in those areas.

HAving heard the 840c prior to acquiring the Paradisea, and based on assertions from others that the Havana improves on the Paradisea, I'm confident it will be significantly different at least, for better or for worse, than the 840c.
Xenithon - I agree that the 840c is an enigma - it has a lot of great attributes, but it is just slightly off in a few areas. Your detailed observations are just the type of things lead me to my "disjointed" comment. Its hard to single out a single problem but the sum of several minor issues adds up. Some people will be more senstive to these issues than others. My speculation is that the upsampling algorithms may just be trying to do too much, but that is just a guess. My preference is vinyl, so I am used to a more analog sound. Your comments on the Havana will be interesting. Everyone always recommends what they own, so let me recommend that you try one of the used MF dacs if you can. Works for me. Good luck.
Brownsfan - looks like you responded while I composed. We had similar thoughts. From your previous post, the 840c does have a lot of "air". It was one of the things I liked most about the player, since I was used to it from my Classe. I think CA is on the right track with this player and I hope they continue to update this technology. With the huge interest in PC based audio, I think a player with an input to the DAC is a great idea.
Thanks for the responses. I will do some further listening today to decided if I can live with the 840C's shortfalls in the context of my system.

Mapman (or anyone who owns the Havana) do you find it has just a warm/musical character, or would you also describe it as dark in any way? The former would be great with both headphones; being dark though may not be too synergystic with the HD650.
The Paradisea is definitely warm and musical, not dark in any way, with either stock GE tube or Tung Sol equivalent that I have used.

I use it sourced from both my Denon player/recorder and Roku Soundbridge.

Can't speak for the Havana having never heard it but from what I've read and been told by others, the consensus seems to be it sounds similar but improves marginally on the Paradisea's sound.

When I've heard the 840c on a very good dealer reference system, it too was very musical.

The Paradisea may be a touch warmer but not by much if so.

The Paradisea with Tung Sol tube and the 840c sound more similar than not as I recall. With the stock GE tube in the Paradisea, the midrange is perhaps more warm and lush and the overall dynamics are probably not as good, but are still good enough that you might not care.