845s: To biamp or not

I have a new pair of Consonance Cyber 845 monos which I'm very happy with. I have tried them full-range on my Hyperion 938s as well as using a Gallo SA amp to drive the bass modules. I seemed to prefer them full-range, but have been wondering if perhaps I didn't devote enough time to proper level matching and should give the system another go with the Gallo amp.

So.. I'm curious: who would pursue bi-amping in this situation? Does the 845 have sufficient muscle and extension to want to run them full-range on speakers that go to 35Hz, or is bi-amping theoretically preferable at least? Opinions?

The theoretical part of me doesn't like the discontinuity inherent in bi-amping. But perhaps I am all wet.
Im not sure but that amp of yours the 845 is pretty darn good and is a very linear tube. Unless there is a crazy load on the lowend id stay with the 845.
I run Schweikert vr-8 with 96 db. Was running a rogue 120 with great bass(feedback) got the itch to biamp, purchased a krell the rogue kicked its butt. the krell also added too much midbass.Then god knows about precise level matching, there might be a few recodings that sound better bi-ampd...
Hows the 845's with the complexity of classical music?
I may get a second system with high efficiency speakers + 845 dual monos. But I only listen to classical. The 300B tube is too flat in peak fq's. I love sharp dynamics.
Thanks for the replies so far! One of my Cybers blew a cap last night due to using high-voltage tubes (I didn't know!) and so I switched to an 8W Dared 2A3 amp.... I found even THIS little thing could play quite loudly and cleanly and with tight bass through the Hyperions.

Adding the Gallo bass amp to that setup did definitely improve bass dynamics, though.

Bartokfan - I listen to very little orchestral music. I've only had the new gear a week and the first 30 hours or so was all Jazz.. I do listen to some classical and had planned on going through that next. I'll have to wait a bit to get the amp fixed now.

Tbg, the Hyperions are 90dB/W, but are a very easy load (see above). The enjoythemusic review of the Cyber 211s that was so glowing used these speakers.

Paulfolbrecht, I suspect that only you can say what you like.

I had forgotten that the Enjoythemusic review used the Hyperions. If 20 watts with the 211s works with them, your 30 watts should be just fine.

What do you mean that you blew a cap with "high voltage tubes?" I think the driver tubes are the same Phillips 6922 and 5687s I got plus the Chinese 845s. If my experience is any indication, replacing the 845 with a NOS American 845 would do wonders.

They are hard to find and I actually blew an amp with a bad RCA 211; one of three I won on Ebay.

I want to have people tell me what I ought to like and then I'll decide if they were right or not. ;-}

I was using Full Music 845s which apparantly pull too much current. That blew the cap.

I have no plans to venture into NOS 845 territory - too little return for the $. The new Shuguang 845B are supposed to be quite nice for $100/pr.


P.S. Trivial difference but Consonance seems to rate the Cyber 211 at 16W.