90's recording jazz, in a diner

hi all. back in the 1990's i had a cd that was a jazz group that sounded like they were playing in a diner. you could hear people talking, dishes and silverware clanging and such. no idea what the group or cd was. does it sound familiar?

Jazz at the Pawnshop was actually recorded in the late 70's and is still A's much fun today than it ever was! I like Bill Evan's Waltz for Debbie live recording; good recording with good crowd noise.
Bill Evans Trio "Sunday at the Village Vanguard"? That has glassware, talking, silverware clinking....
yes that's it! jazz at the pawn shop! since you all mentioned the others i think i'll try one or two of those too. thanks!

hm...i do have hdtracks so i might check it out tonight yet. off topic, eek i should search first, but i've wondered if hdtracks burned to a cdrom as audio/wav from a flac file would sound as good as a purchased cd? otherwise, i know i have to get a decent dac and usb-optical or whatever they have now. the sound card i have is SBLive ext. 24/96khz. laptop makes a lot of noise though. anyway...