A cable routing reminder

If you have unshielded interconnects, be sure to keep them clear of any power cords - and power supplies. 

A few days ago, I swapped the power cord on a component. The replacement power cord has a relatively mellow signature. But after installing it, the HF started sounding etched. This made no sense. I had solved that problem long ago. This was a mystery.

It turns out that when I replaced the power cord - one of my unshielded IC’s fell from its support - directly on top of the shielded power cord. Even though the IC was laying at a 90° angle, the negative impact was quite significant. After re-routing the IC, the smoothness returned.

So, if you have unshielded IC’s, be sure to re-visit their positioning. Actually, it can’t hurt to re-visit the routing of shielded IC’s, also.

Thanks for sharing. I have been using Shunyata’s Dark Field Minis to separate IC’s from PC’s. They also works great to lift your cables off the carpet. 
It turns out that when I replaced the power cord - one of my unshielded IC’s fell from its support - directly on top of the shielded power cord. 

Yes but didn't you know, supporting cables cannot possibly make any difference.