A good 50-70 watts tube amplifier for $ 2000?

I want to build a second system around a good 50-70 watts tube amplifier. My budget for the amp is around $ 2000 and I prefer to buy an amp that is a current model, in order to avoid service problems in the near future. Any help will be appreciated. Pablo.
Ag insider logo xs@2xpablovila
Second the AES Six Pacs (or one of the versions of the Cary V12), as well as the Music Reference RM-9. The RM-200 may be a little over your budget, even used.
If you can find one, a Music Reference RM9 is extremely hard to beat under 5K. Yes, it's that good. Only problem is, they don't come around every day, but be patient. As far as service, I have owned two and they were very reliable. Roger Modjeski will still work on them if need be.

Thank you very much for all the answers! I have a variety of amps to choose from. I am more familiar with the Conrad Johnson line, because I used to have, and enjoyed very much, a Conrad Johnson Premier 11A. But I will take a look at Music Reference, Cary, Prima Luna, VAC and BAT as well. One more time, thanks. Pablo.
I forgot to mention Cary(I'm using modded SLM-100s, and VERY pleased). Kevin Deal also handles Cary and AES at Upscale Audio, BTW.