A history question about planar drivers

This isn't rhetorical (i.e. a test):

Who invented magnetic planar speaker drivers as used by Infinity, Apogee, Magnepan, etc.?

I'd be interested in electrostatic drivers too - which preceded the other? Was the magnetic planar driver a development of the electrostatic planar driver, or vice-versa?

There's really no information about their development online, as far as I have been able to find. Does anyone here know?
My first thought here is that (using your terms) the "idea" is reproducing sound and the specific implementation is a thin membrane impregnated with a wire coil, suspended between magnets and caused to vibrate by applied AC current.

The U.S. Code states:

Whoever invents or discovers any new and useful process, machine, manufacture, or composition of matter, or any new and useful improvement thereof, may obtain a patent therefor, subject to the conditions and requirements of this title.

I'd say that the concept and invention of the planar magnetic driver fits into that category quite clearly.

However, Magnepan could have missled its patent application and perhaps limited it to full-range drivers (or some other possibly unnecessary specificity) that gave the other manufacturers a loophole.

I did read a thread I found via Google that stated that Magnepan sued Apogee over one of its designs, but that it was settled out of court eventually.
In reference to patents, the devil is certainly in the details. I believe that patent law is one of the relatively few official subspecialties in law practice; it requires special authorization to practice before the Patent Office.

I don't know that Audiogon is a particularly authoritative venue to debate the merits of a patent's scope....

Good point.

Regardless, it would be interesting to find out the specifics behind how other companies began using planar magnetic drivers (legally and otherwise).
12-02-10: Mlsstl
In reference to patents, the devil is certainly in the details. I believe that patent law is one of the relatively few official subspecialties in law practice; it requires special authorization to practice before the Patent Office.

I don't know that Audiogon is a particularly authoritative venue to debate the merits of a patent's scope....
As usual, Mlsstl's comments are well put and correct on all counts. I say that as a licensed patent attorney.

FYI, all U.S. patents that have been issued since 1790 can be searched and viewed at the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office website, although the parameters that can be entered into the search fields for patents issued prior to 1976 are very limited.

A search under "Magnepan" returns these patents. I haven't looked at them in any detail, but I suspect that some of their contents will prove relevant to the OP's question.

-- Al
Yeah, I already did the search - but when I did the exact same search I only get 7 results instead of 9. There's something odd about that.

Either way, we'd have to know the details to search for the original patents.