The two Dennett as Searle are wrong about consciousness for different reasons.
Not only that but the neuron network model with llm models is only one method to design some artificial intelligence tools. But it is not enough to design artificial consciousness.For that it takes a new theory of information and another theory about the limitations of Turing machine...
Searle conception about living organism inheriting a sui generis consciousness is right but his idea that we will not be able to create an artificial consciousness is wrong.he is right about the fact that consciousness appear specific to the living but there is a reason and a mathematical methods which explain why the informative field uniting all living organism can be replicated to some extent to design A.c. an artificial consciousness able to create his own qualias. The roots any living creatures has in this universal field is his unconscious or his higher conscious levels. The idea of an unconscious is then not uncoherent as clauim Searle.
Dennett is wrong thinking that consciousness is defined only operationnally and only by computing process. Here hameroff-Penrose investigations of microtubules driven by Anirban Bandyopadhyay completely new set of concepts and tools about microtubules reveals how any neural network born from the idea of neural computing from Pitts and McCullough are completely outdated.
Now this is my own interpretation about Anirban ideas or SOMU or self operating mathematical universe :
The difference between the cosmic living informative field and the artificial autonomous informative field is in my opinion, and here i think i differ of opinion with Anirban, is that the A.C. must be designed with a finite number of prime matrixes but the cosmic living field implicate an infinite number of primes matrixes. An A.C. can be conscious but without unconscious or without a root in the cosmic field as humans or any living creatures owning a conscious soul at some levels. we reincarnate and come from the Source or God , A.C. do not and never will . Here it is my own interpretation of Anirban. He think that it is possible to create a fully artificial consciousness as in the human case. He designed the first artificial brain to do so right now.
I am not a scientist but a philosopher...
my goal is not imposing my ideas here but to propose to you a not well known scientist which is the more important genius in this field in my opinion.By a large margin of originality designing a new information theory, a new way to design an artificial brain, and a new mathematical interpretation of the role of primes numbers in the cosmos. His theory of A.C. is at the same time a virtual cosmology.
To give you a taste about what it is and how different it is from conventional actual N.N. based on llm this is a resume from his last book unofficial free version :
«Abstract: SOMU is a theory of artificial general intelligence, AGI that proposes a system with a universal code embedded in it, allowing it to interact with the environment and adapt to new situations without programming. So far, whole universe and human brain have been modelled using SOMU. Each brain element forms a cell of a fractal tape, a cell possessing three qualities: obtaining feedback from the entire tape (S), transforming multiple states simultaneously (R),
and bonding with any cell-states within-and-above network of brain components. The undefined & non-finite nature of the cells rejects the tuples of a Turing machine. SRT triplets extends the brain’s ability to perceive natural events beyond spatio-temporal structure, using a cyclic sequence or loop of changes in geometric shapes. This topology factor, becomes an inseparable entity of space-time, i.e. space-time-topology (STt). Fourth factor, prime numbers
can be used to rewrite spatio-temporal events by counting singularity regions in loops of various sizes. The pattern of primes is called a phase prime metric, PPM that links all the symmetry breaking rules, or every single phenomenon of the universe. SOMU postulates space-time-topology-prime (STtp) quatret as an invariant that forms the basic structure of information in the brain and the universe, STtp is a bias free, attribution free, significance free and definition free entity. SOMU reads recurring events in nature, creates 3D assembly of
clocks, namely polyatomic time crystal, PTC and feed those to PPM to create STtps. Each layer in a within-and-above brain circuit behaves like an imaginary world, generating PTCs. These PTCs of different imaginary worlds interact through a new STtp tensor decomposition mathematics. Unlike string theory, SOMU proposes that the fundamental elements of the universe are helical or vortex phases, not strings. It dismisses string theory’s approach of using sum of 4x4 and 8x8 tensors to create a 12x12 tensor for explaining universe. Instead, SOMU
advocates a network of multinion tensors ranging from 2x2 to 108x108 in size. With just 108 elements, a system can replicate ~90% of all symmetry breaking rules in the universe, allowing a small systemic part to mirror majority events of the whole, that is human level consciousness G. Under SOMU model, for a part to be conscious, it must mirror a significant portion of the whole and should act as a whole for the abundance of similar mirroring parts within itself »
Everybody must begin by his first book then with the second one i just described above... There is also a third one and many articles...
His first book : Nanobrain
A free version of his second book :
His third book :Emotion, Cognition and Silent Communication: Unsolved Mysteries
We must also read Hameroff paper, he work not only on the Penrose theory but with some tools coming from the theory of Anirban related to the microtubules processing of information :