A pass Labs X250 amp worth a divorce?

I have the audiophile disease. I just can not be satisfied. By upgrading from my Bryston 4B ST to a Pass labs X250 really worth the bother? My equipment is as follows Audio Research Reference 1 Pre-amp, Proac Response 3.8 Speakers Classe CDP.3 Player. My wife just does not get the thrill of this hobby. I need to find the true answer, What will the difference be besides in my wallet?
Kevyo, I agree with what Goldorak said above. You have a great system as is, and changing the amp to Pass X250 will not make that much improvement, unless of course, your real objective is to upgrade your wife, and you are using the amp as an excuse for instigating a divorce...:-) :-) :-)!!!!
Well Kevyo, Put it this way, I think anyone of us that have been bitten by the Audio bug for a number of years have gone threw are share of tears over a women or wife leaving us because we dont give them the attention we give are audio habbit. Its sad because we are doing something that we enjoy and were home every night and not out and about at some bar playing the singles game while are mates are at home going threw the sleeples nights and wondering where she went wrong. I say go for it, do what makes you happy, If she leaves you over this, she was going to leave you anyway, you just speed'ed up the clock. If she loves you she will stick by your side. And one other thing after you buy this jewel, make sure you do take her out and keep your romance alive and well......
Simply, YES. For the reasons stated by Hifiying. Consider it a test of love. It seems you can't lose.
Does your wife work? Do you each have your own SEPERATE and joint accounts? If so, use the money from this account and she won't be able to complain.
I use a Pass X-150 with ProAc 2.5s. You'll like the combination.

As to the other part of your question...well, that's a tough one. Lately, I've come to see my system as my mistress.