There is a reasonable explanation I believe. Keep in mind that the "average" citizen does not have the luxury of leisure time, nor enjoys
the disposable income necessary to purchase multi-thousand dollar
How can we have this discussion & this get remarked only once? People eat cat food a McDonalds because its cheap. The shop at Wally World because thats all they can afford & they drive crap cars & trucks because new vehicles are silly expensive.
Way more folks than we realize struggle to get the basics. Expensive hobbies are not in their playbook. We are the lucky few. Whether due to our own efforts or due to an accident of birth, we should appreciate that we have resources many folks do not.
How can we have this discussion & this get remarked only once? People eat cat food a McDonalds because its cheap. The shop at Wally World because thats all they can afford & they drive crap cars & trucks because new vehicles are silly expensive.
Way more folks than we realize struggle to get the basics. Expensive hobbies are not in their playbook. We are the lucky few. Whether due to our own efforts or due to an accident of birth, we should appreciate that we have resources many folks do not.