A serious blow to Canadian audiophiles, must read


I love the third paragraph. Sorry to see that the Canadian court's decision has destroyed the patriotism of our north of the border friends. Hopefully the Candian audio industry can weather this setback!
Sheesh, I just thought that the third paragraph was really ridiculous! I don't smoke anything, but I've certainly read numerous thread in this forum alluding to its' use. I'm glad it is still illegal in Canada and in the U.S.!
I caught a bit of this on PBS and the commentary had to do with such regulation being more in the scope of the Provinces. Sorry, it was only the last of the piece. But if this is true, wouldn't you folks be better off, all things considered, than folks in California?
Are you worried that the gear made up
north will be of a lesser quality if the
workers can't use their bong during assembly?
I believe the rights of people should be abridged only when their rights harm others and that persons are responsible for their actions.
Legalize recreational drugs(including alcohol) to remove a revenue steam from criminals but make operating motor vehicles(including aircraft and ships) under their influences felonies.
The free access of both alchohol and dope would do nothing to increase the quality of life of anyone. I have friends who are crippled or dead from the use/misuse of these things.

The American Constitution does not allow for the regulation of either of these items so I don't think they have the right to try, but at the same time I am opposed to the unrestricted use of these items.

I am a wine drinker, and occasionally (less tha once a month) participate in the consumation of mixed drinks, but I think our culture is too immature to be given the freedom of unfettered access to potentially destructive drugs.