"a stylish and affordable launch into the world of high-performance audio"

OK, is there such a thing as "too good to be true"?  They're definitely gorgeously beautifully looking and certainly at least as good looking as any "high-end" speakers!  But look at the price!  Only $374.00!!!  Can you have the cake and eat it too!  There has to be a catch!  Is there a devil lurking somewhere here!  I mean a high-end ScanSpeak woofer is already at least $370.00 in cost.  And that does not take into account a tweeter, and xover inductors, capacitors ... and so on.  And what do you tell people who paid $200K for a Wilson?

you might think cheapo versions of parts, but, they really don't want to risk their name, they simpy need to stay in the game, make the profits on the real high end stuff.

read the detailed description of the parts, drivers, crossover, custom designed magnets ..... of this Elac offering, $550. pair

Focal, made and shipped from France, $999. pair


front port, add a stereo pair of subs, ought to be VERY good.

Efficient enough to use moderately low power tube amps, 20-50 wpc.

If I got the subs, I might try stuffing the front port, can't hurt to try.

You want more bass but not mud.
Not too long ago we had our music club meetup at one of our member's daughter's house.  The system we listened to was a Yamaha receiver with a pair of "Andrew Jones designed" Pioneer SP-FS52 speakers.  They weren't pretty, and they didn't come close to the sound quality of any of the speakers I own, but they were very listenable and surprisingly good at their price point ($129 each, they have since gone up to $149 if you can find them).  I was actually quite surprised how good they sounded, given their price point.

The title of the original post is a quote of a pile of marketing stuff and that kind of hyperbole shouldn't be taken seriously.  I think it's great that there are affordable products out there for beginners or casual listeners.  Up until a few years ago, my main interest was home theater and I've had some pretty cheap speakers from BIC, Sony, etc. that sounded pretty good to me at the time.  I have a different point of reference now and a more critical ear, so I would not be satisfied with those, but I don't see a need to bash affordable speakers or those that listen to them.