I will make a prediction. I predict that the custom amp that David Berning is building for me will be the best sounding amp. My instructions were to build the "best sounding 45 amp on the planet". It will be a 12vdc battery-powered, Hand-wound Choke-loaded, Single-Ended Triode, no feedback, Zero-Hysteresis Output-Transformerless(ZOTL) amp using one pair of Type 45 output triodes. It will have no step-down power transformer, or rectifier, and no output transformer. All connections will be point-to-point hand wired, with shortest signal paths possible. This will be a no-holds-barred amp with no compromises for style or packaging. Many SET fans will agree that the 45 tubes are the sweetest of all. And there will be nothing between them and my single-driver Lowthers, but 3 meters of speaker cable. I should have this amp in a few months. The process has started.