Absolutely Amazing Absolute Power Cords

Is it just me or has anyone else ever felt amazed after hearing a low-priced power cord breathe new life into their formerly congested sounding over-priced cosmetically corded system? WAIT!! I know the answer because the question has been asked before......but probably not about the Absolute
Power Cord. I wondered if anyone else has tried this particular cord and what their impressions were. Thanks
No question Megasam, my comment is not concerning if they do something. I'm just pointing out for $39 I could try 13 cords. Has anyone tried them? Have you tried the other hospital grade cords? How about the 10ga green dot Hospital cord with soldered connections for $4.00?
J.D., do you have something personal against GTT Audio or are you just a disgruntled competitor. I have always thought of them as a well respected dealer. Buy some of those $3.50 cords and save YOURSELF from getting ripped-off.
Don't get ripped off? If GTT wanted to "get rich quick" by designing high end power cords then selling them for $40, they'd have to be the stupidest con-artists in the world. How much can you make selling PCs at $40 each? If he charged $300, or better yet, $3000, he'd be way ahead of this PC game.

Have you tried this cord yourself? I have. In my system it sounded very good out of the box, and even better after 100+ hours of burn-in. Smooth, relaxed, quiet. Better than my (also high value) Whale Elite at $450? Not to me, but several steps in the same (musical) direction from stock cords, or even $100-200 cords I've heard.

Will it work the same for you? I don't know. If I wanted a power cord that emphasized speed, detail, etc. I'd probably look elsewhere. But warmth, smoothness, tonal integrity? Yes, this cord is very nice.

It's great that there are those out there who truly want to spend many hundreds, or thousands for a high end power cord. That brings the issue of proper audio power cords to the public, and pushes the envelope of attainable performance. Without those consumers looking for the ultimate and willing to pay for it, a product like the Absolute PC would not exist. For me, I'd rather spend less and still reap the rewards. JT
Per Jadem6, I went to the NET and searched PCs. Yea,
I know I have too much time on my hands....But I love it!
What I learrned is that hospital grade certified power cords are all supposed to have a green dot on the male end, for all hospital staff to see before using. The picture that used to come up on the sales link for the Absolute power cord showed this green dot very clearly.
I fall well short of Jadem6's conclusions though. I did not find a green dot hospital grade cord exactly matching the Absolute, so I have no idea what that one should cost......point of interest though: LOOK now at the GTT Audio&Video sales items and follow the product link to their new picture of the cable. NO GREEN DOT is visible anymore. Then read what they have to say about the Cord. Hospital Grade cord made in Taiwan with some solder . Jadem6 is close, but I must agree with GTT Audio&Video in that their cord is not exactly the same as every other green dot cord. I still don't know how good the cord is ( I have not tried it ) and I still am not certain who or how many shills there were in this thread. I don't know how many games were being played here but if I never try one of these cords it will probably boil down to THIS THREAD. See-ya
I had an Audiogon member write me today asking for help on this whole topic and I would like to share my responce to him for others benifit:

Hi xxxxx
I wish I could give you the "right" answer, but I don't know it. I'm a audio nut for thirty plus years, and have tried to keep my head about the latest new products. As you know, there are $1000 systems, $3000, $9000, $25,000-40,000 and +$100,000 systems. Those are levels I've found through my experience that make sizable improvements over the last. With-in each level there are some produces that are true bargains, and some that are names with big prices. Too bad for us audio lovers, there is not an audio cop who can give us the "right answer". We must make our own mistakes after reading reviews, listening in audio showrooms that are completely different from our homes, and listening to other audio lovers on sites like AudiogoN and Audio Asylum.
I'm clearly not the most informed or the best neutral resource on AudiogoN, my opinions get me in trouble often, but they are never unfounded. If you read my post "winter lessons" you will see I've bought my share of snake oil, and some products that have helped my system. Every system is different, every one of us have different taste and experiences. My answers are right for me, but might not be for you. Having said that, I believe power cords are a very volatile area for audio, and there are a lot of over priced products, maybe safe to say 90% are over priced. I own two of the most ridiculously price ones made, and no I'm not proud of that fact, they just happen to be the best I've heard of the fifteen or twenty I've tried. I can tell you that every cord I've tried did something, and it takes a while for me to know if that something was good or not.
As for the Absolutely Amazing power cord, I have no experience with it. I also have no experience with the Stealth you asked about. I've heard quite a bit regarding the Stealth and can only say from that input I've never bought one. This new cord, "The Absolutely Amazing Power Cord" is a product I believe to be the exact same cord available on the Internet through hospital supply houses. There are actually some that are even better built with thicker wire and better plugs that are available from the same places. If people want to try Hospital grade power cords for audio, great! I hope some true values come from it. My problem with this product is two fold, first the sales pitch used on our forums to fabricate interest by creating a number of posting members who never existed until this thread. Now Jadestick appears, gees that was original, to combat my warnings. The second problem I have is that these cords cost $2.50- $3.00! I am disgusted by the approach of creating excitement, hyping a product to sound like a bargain while the guy inflates the price to $39.95, now $49.95. That is a 2000% mark-up. Now I realize there are $500 cords made with $10 parts, but they are hand made and researched with audio being the only user. I would rather pay a guy $50.00 - $100 for an honest hour producing something than $46.95 for being underhanded in his approach.
I again encourage people to try the hospital grade cords, try $50 worth of $3 cords and let us know how they work. But if you chose to start a 2000% profit business from them then you will have to explain your self.
So in closing of this very opinionated reply, I can not recommend one cord or the other from the ones your looking at. I do think however that exploring some $3.00 cords may produce some good results. I also know for me that my equipment has never sounded better than it does right now, and that it took a long time to get to this point after trying a number of brands. The cords I use range from $400 to $3000 retail. Each cord has a piece of equipment it match up well with, and that was the determining factor. If my equipment sounded as good using the stock cords that were free with the equipment or the $100 cords I once had, or using all $400 cords, then those would have been my choices. Again please review my post for some specific results from my personal experiments, and good luck. I'm happy you found this great hobby, and hope I haven't completely confused you. J.D.