Access/Use Restrictions-Listening Room

As I was in the listening room, cleaning this morning, I thought of this idea for a thread.

Do you have any restricted access/use rules for your listening room?

We have only ONE *no house cleaners*

And before you get too huffy, like we're rich or something and have FiFi, the upstairs maid here everyday…. We're not and we don't, even though my husband would probably be open to that idea. :-)

We have them come in 2X/month to do the heavy cleaning - floors, baths, ovens, etc. It's well worth the few bucks they charge to have that time back in our busy lives.

*Tip for you husbands - would make a most excellent present to your wife. (and do it for no reason, don't wait for a birthday or anything). Guaranteed to get lots of mileage out of that one.*

Anyway, we made that decision when they were here once (I was working at home that day) and they bumped one of the Apogee Stages, knocking it off the stand flat on it's face - WHAM!) In the process, yanking the amp off the stand (that IC just made it) and bending one of the posts. As she stood there, thinking no big deal, I was freaking out! Luckily, no harm done. But lesson learned; these folks have no clue about how to behave around expensive gear and the thought of a vacuum cleaner bumping the speakers THEN trying to put it back so no one would know…… we come home, turn it on - POOF !

So……….guess who gets to clean it? At least we know everything will be ok afterwards.
I had a friend and his 12 year old daughter stay with me for a couple of months. The first thing I did was show her how to use it. Her father thought I was nuts but when adults are away kids will play. I thought it was best if she was taught to respect it and use it properly then coming home to something broken due to misuse.
Great Thread!!!

Friends are aware of my nature when it comes to the big rig and generally ask before touching. This thread has me thinking that it is a good idea really show regular guest the ropes of the system. As far as cleaning, my wife leaves the stereo to me. She doesn't have the patience for all the buttons and crevices.

My wife once drove my old amp into thermal protection mode blasting Garth Brooks. I've never had any serious mishaps ... but the potential grows with each new equipment change. Last month the monitors went on stands for the first time. Two weeks ago, 3X the old amp power. Coming next week a CJ tubed preamp and a turntable!! I'll bet that the first mishap is at my own hands.
Great thread
After getting nicks on the bottom of my speakers from the vacuum cleaner banging into them, I drew the line.
My wife.. When she drives me up the wall with her pointless blath,I enter my listening room and crack open a cold one.
When each of my kids reached the age of 12, I taught them to safely use and respect firearms, but I still never let them anywhere near my ET II Tone Arm.