Accuphase E-470

Hi I am looking at a Accuphase e-470 for sale ,but it is a Japanese model so will need a transformer to power it to our AC, is there any problem with using a transformer.Any opinions on the amp would be helpful. I am using a Prima Luna Hp integrated amp with KT 150 tubes,& Focal 1028 BE speakers, I find that at lower volume it does not have much punch. I have to turn it up to sound good, I am thinking a good SS amp give me more at lower volume, Any other suggestions on integrated amps new or used under 5k ? Thanks Lloyd.
What is the real problem with having a power transformer in the house for this purpose? If it is rated to supply the correct amount of current to the amplifier, why would it matter? There are step up and step down transformers all over the grid. I am trying to understand what the issue is.
Lloyd, I doubt that placing the connections of the 4ohm speaker to an 8ohm tap will cause any harm.  However, if you are concerned about the potential of harm then reach out to Upscale Audio again and ask that question.  They are very well informed on both of the brands in question and will surely provide you with a correct answer.  AS long as there is no potential harm then make the connection and give it a listen.  Maybe you will be satisfied to a point there is no need to change out your equipment.
Best to you.
"If you really want Accuphase then search for a U.S. model”
-What is “US Model”?

All Accuphase Amps/PreAmps for all World Markets are the same, use the same components, and all have internal switchboard to set power to 100/117/220/240V AC 50/60Hz.