Acoustic Revive RR-77, 777, 888 Schumann Generator

Love to hear from anyone about their experience with these devices.  Long story short, I have an RR-77 in my room.  Bought it off Audiogon about ten years ago.  Every once in a while I look at it and think to myself "stooopid".  So I turn it off... then back on... then off... then back on.  Then I leave it on because what it does is wild.  And it does wildly good things to the sound in the room. I have it positioned above 5', and off to the side in the room.  It's like an ECU tune on your already high performance engine.  It's like buying a chocolate from a storefront in Brugge, rather than a Godiva from your local mall.  

I've read the threads.  Looked over posts and reviews on the interwebs.  It works and anyone who says it's snake oil... whatevs.

Anyone ever compare iterations of this device?  77 vs. 777 vs. 888?  Any discernible improvements?

I have not delved into any other AR devices.  Anything particularly noteworthy?
128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xsumadoggie
Got notified two delivered just now. Fast shipper, and almost a week earlier than expected. Will have to wait for when I get home tonight.  

These are the cheap ones, just the circuit board no power, for $10 each. They do come with their own USB cable. Got a couple USB chargers to power them, just need to find a board or something in the shop to mount them on, mostly to make them easier to position.  

Wherever it is they should go. Of that I have no idea, other than people saying 5 feet off the floor. But the FEQ gizmo Synergistic sells sits low on the floor- although the more expensive Atmosphere models are pretty tall. It sure is interesting how closely his description of FEQ sounds like a Schumann generator! Also interesting the FEQ has a 5v input, which just happens to be the exact same 5v all the eBay circuit boards use. Hmmmm.....  

And I found a review of the Acoustic Revive unit with interior photos showing the exact same circuit board as I just bought for $10. All these boards are the same or very similar, as far as I can tell. There's another one from Nobsound, also the same board but with acrylic stuck on top and bottom, for $50. 

So far it seems the $10 circuit board becomes $50 with acrylic, $400 with a plastic case (and wall wart power supply!), and $1k to $3500 with one of Ted's fancy shiny brushed anodized metal spikey ground-plane iPad controllable tower thingamajigs. Can you feel the sarcasm? ;) I'm sure he figured out some cool way of timing the pulses, shifting the frequency or power, added a quantum flux capacitor or something to be worth all that money. I mean that. I kid, but that is one clever dude. Has he figured out the ultimate packaging marketing formula? Or is it something more? Or something else?? 

Who knows? But having spent more than a little time digging around trying to figure out what the hayek is a Schumann generator it sure is funny so many are the same darn board. T-minus 4 hours to find out what if anything I got for my ten bucks.
Hi Miller,
According to all that I have read, about 5 feet is a good height, and as I said, that happens to be about the height of my speakers on their stands. I would definitely not place them on the floor.
All those units are toys. To do it correctly you would need a several hundred watt semi-pro power amplifier good down to 7Hz and a 1000 feet of wire looped around the room to act as an antenna.
In my room even these toys gives me audible positive effects, i improve them by connecting them in a grid and using my "golden plate" on them...

Your post remind me of those who speak about acoustic treatment using many thousand dollars of materials... I use homemade no cost materials, homemade absorber, diffuser, reflectors, and resonators, and at the end i succeed to have top audio experience for peanuts...

Listen with your ears and experiment.... The sound waves will not know the price you have paid for your materials and devices controls and will act nevermind the price in a positive way or not.... Your ears will dictate the road to take one day at a time....

Congratulations speedskater! Only 5 posts and you're already a know-it-all! However, I regret to tell you that these "toys" still do work.