Acoustic Signature Turntables

Has anyone else experienced any problems with their Acoustic Signature turntable? In particular, I have had major issues regarding the Alpha power supply and related customer support and so just thought I'd look into these problems more widely.

Thanks for your input

Have you included one of the 1.9mm o-rings in the package. It sounds interesting and I'll definitely give it a go.

As always
Just another brief update but the Bren1 did not perform as well as the other options in my particular set-up and for my particular tastes. However, it does come with a 30 days money back guarantee and might obviously still be worth trying in other systems.
I have had my system down for awhile for a home renovation and having resurrected it last night and began catching up here on Audiogon only to come across the new about AS, power supply issues, customer support etc. When I checked their site it seems everything is fine. Can anyone add anything? Obviously as an owner I am concerned.
Nothing to be concerned about apart from the fact that it's always a risk to buy expensive gear from a one man manufacturer. But it seems that with AS everything worked out fine (as far as my information goes).
I can't believe this thread! I paid Gunther directly several hundred dollars through PayPal (so it's traceable) early 2007 for a second armboard and a record clamp for my Final Tool. He conversed with Thom Mackris briefly about making sure the new armboard would match the TriPlanar tonearm Thom was selling me, then - BAMMM! - NOTHING SINCE! I emailed the guys at High-End Palace once about Gunther taking my cash and scramming, but they never replied (fair enough, they're not his daddy). As a strange coincidence, within the last month I thought my motor had broken, but now I wonder if it's the power supply. I'm so over Gunther stiffing me, I've about decided to move on to another table, but it's a shame, it's a very good machine when it works.