By the way, my friend with the Transparent Ultra XL cables said he thought they were ever so slightly warmer and more "Transparent" than the Analysis Plus Black Oval 9. To me, that is not necessarily a good thing for my system, as the Oval 9 cabes already seem to blend just right synergistically although I wouldn't know for sure if the Transparent cables would be better or worse for me until I hear them in my system.
For the record, it seems in general within a broad range of quality components, that the most important factor for me anyway to call a component 'better' is how a component sonically and synergistically balances out the net sound of my system - and the quality of the components itself is secondary. After all, lemonade that is sour (poor net sound), will still be sour even with the best lemons (best components).
However, having the proper sonic balance with a higher quality component is a wonderful thing. For this reason though, I am very wary when someone says something is better without qualilfying the components that it works with, or better yet, providing a comparison of how the sound of the component compared with others, and in what relative direction it moved the sound.