BTW: The reason I am trying to summarize is that there is quite a minefield of opinions on the subject of acoustic bass trap treatments.
Clearly some suppliers are heavy handed in trying to influence the community through comments that are intended to convey that their products are better (fibreglass is better than foam, heavy mineral wool is better than 703, 705 is better than 703, and vice versa, foam is better than fibreglass, 703 is better than heavier mineral wool...etc ad infinitum)
My conclusion is that
1) it is the linear coverage and thickness (at least 6") of materials used that counts far more than anything else; so many products should work quite well...
2) Unless you are an acoustics expert or have hired an expert, it is safest to go for the broadband absorbers rather than tuned devices.
I am trying to share findings with other Audiogoners because, frankly, I found the minefield of opinions quite boggling. Hopefully the acoustic treatments won't head the way of cables/interconects....imagine oxygen free rock wool or gold fibres in acoustic panels (sadly all too plausible). Yikes! Anyone want to form a new company? Perhaps I should be in marketing, LOL.