Acoustical Solutions or Auralex LENRD bass traps

I would like to hear from someone regarding the effectiveness of Acoustical Solutions or Auralex LENRD corner bass traps?
Thanks in advance.

Thanks. Great links!

Reading further, to summarize;

It seems foam or mineral wool or fibreglass (or many other materials) of similar density, size and placement can do equally well (assuming appropriate framing)

In theory the higher density materials (up to 8 lbs per foot mineral wool/fibreglass) should get better absorption lower down towards 50 Hz. A slight advantage but seeing as ultra LF is always a significant problem area it is unrealistic to expect miracles.

The size/volume/coverage of bass traps seems the most important.

Corners treated with 16 linear feet of bass trap appears to be a bare minimum and probably brings the largest improvement. Twice that treatement or 32 feet is probably a better but smaller improvement and above this diminishing returns start to kick in (although improvements are still possible, they just won't be as noticable).

Would you agree?

BTW: The reason I am trying to summarize is that there is quite a minefield of opinions on the subject of acoustic bass trap treatments.

Clearly some suppliers are heavy handed in trying to influence the community through comments that are intended to convey that their products are better (fibreglass is better than foam, heavy mineral wool is better than 703, 705 is better than 703, and vice versa, foam is better than fibreglass, 703 is better than heavier mineral wool...etc ad infinitum)

My conclusion is that

1) it is the linear coverage and thickness (at least 6") of materials used that counts far more than anything else; so many products should work quite well...

2) Unless you are an acoustics expert or have hired an expert, it is safest to go for the broadband absorbers rather than tuned devices.

I am trying to share findings with other Audiogoners because, frankly, I found the minefield of opinions quite boggling. Hopefully the acoustic treatments won't head the way of cables/interconects....imagine oxygen free rock wool or gold fibres in acoustic panels (sadly all too plausible). Yikes! Anyone want to form a new company? Perhaps I should be in marketing, LOL.
ive got a pr From Accoustical Solutions. great value, solid performance...looking to get another pr
Shad...There is a ton of info out there, but I think the basics as as you've described them are pretty close to the mark. Ethan Winer is a good source & everything I've read from him keeps pounding on the same basic approaches.

However, not being a slave to dogma...Personally, I'm partial to oxygen & carbon dioxide-free OC 705 that's faced with virgin long-fiber, acid-free kraft paper...framed in old-growth bald cypress, stapled together with 5-9 silver staples & reinforced with glue from long-maned, in-season mongolian mare. Each panel is then loosely wrapped in homegrown, homespun, and unbleached cotton duck. The difference is subtle, but they really open the soundstage up once they are broken in.

ROFLMAO...mongolian mare indeed!

Yeah, I agree Ethan Winer is doing a great educational service. Others seem mostly content to specifically push their products whilst Ethan does a lot more than just plug his own products. He seems on a crusade to put some rational sense into an industry loaded with hype. My hat goes off to Ethan.