Acoustical Solutions or Auralex LENRD bass traps

I would like to hear from someone regarding the effectiveness of Acoustical Solutions or Auralex LENRD corner bass traps?
Thanks in advance.
ive got a pr From Accoustical Solutions. great value, solid performance...looking to get another pr
Shad...There is a ton of info out there, but I think the basics as as you've described them are pretty close to the mark. Ethan Winer is a good source & everything I've read from him keeps pounding on the same basic approaches.

However, not being a slave to dogma...Personally, I'm partial to oxygen & carbon dioxide-free OC 705 that's faced with virgin long-fiber, acid-free kraft paper...framed in old-growth bald cypress, stapled together with 5-9 silver staples & reinforced with glue from long-maned, in-season mongolian mare. Each panel is then loosely wrapped in homegrown, homespun, and unbleached cotton duck. The difference is subtle, but they really open the soundstage up once they are broken in.

ROFLMAO...mongolian mare indeed!

Yeah, I agree Ethan Winer is doing a great educational service. Others seem mostly content to specifically push their products whilst Ethan does a lot more than just plug his own products. He seems on a crusade to put some rational sense into an industry loaded with hype. My hat goes off to Ethan.
I just received and installed four of the new type GIK Acoustics Tri-Traps. You can see photos of them and where they are placed from my virtual system or the following links.

Two Tri-Traps Rear Right

One Tri-Trap Rear Left

One Tri-Trap Front Left