Active speakers. What to choose?

Hello fellow audiogoners.
I have been given an opportunity to acquire these few active speakers at great prices. Three pairs of different speakers that only vary a couple of thousand dollars between each other.
First there's the Pass Labs Rushmore brand new in box.
Then there's the Linn Klimax 350A store demos.
And the ATC Anniversary 50s store demos.
Obviously the first two pairs of speakers listed have a distinct edge over the ATC in terms of bargain pricing. But which one should I choose? They are all so alike in terms of their product philosophy, being very dynamic, low distortion and accurate.
I am building a system from scratch so system synergy is a non issue.
Your inputs will be great appreciated!
Also to add, the cooling off rule states that I get three days to change my mind about the purchase.
Which i think is pretty standard because whenever I places orders for a large purchase, I will have to sign that agreement.
And FYI. I have not signed any contract. He seemed to be regarding this like a house purchase I dunno... Like if I agree to buy it I am tied down.
If he has other items for sale that I need, I would have totally got them from him. Because i feel bad. But.... now I fee like a pushover. It's only $2300 deposit - small price to pay for a lifelong lesson.
I really need your opinions on this. Am I being immoral or ammoral to back out of the deal because I find a way better bargain somewhere else for the exact same thing?
If you gave him a verbal with no deposit, then backing out would only discredit you as a person and your word. Ultimately your conscience has to reconcile that. However, you gave him a deposit and your word. That is different. In some ways (and I don't have all the facts) that could be construed as contractual. If there is a "cooling off" rule (one that is clearly stated in writing, or if verbal can be legally enforced) that allows you to change your mind and you exercised it within the appropriate time frame, then I'm not sure what the problem is. He should give your deposit back.

There are two sides to every story and the truth almost always lies in the middle.
A deposit is your commitment for the dealer to hold an item for you. The dealer is within his/her right to keep it and offer you nothing else in exchange (unless you agreed differently up front). The fact the dealer agrees to sell you something else instead is actually a pretty reasonable offer. If the dealer returns your deposit then he/she is bending over backwards to be nice, IMHO.
If you demoed the product at that dealer and used a lot of his time, then you owe him something for that service. It's wrong to price shop AFTER you have used his services to make your selection. On the other hand, I would tell him you want to buy from him, but his price is way out of line and see if he can at least get closer to the competitors price. And yes, he can keep your deposit, but if it's only been a few days, it's a bit petty on his part.
Ermm. I was buying through emails. And have not been to his shop. Thus " The cooling off period law". And it had only been within 24hrs.