Adcom or Creek?


I have recently re-started aquiring a budget hifi system...
The last one was in the UK, circa 1997: Pioneer A400 - a Giant killer:

B&W P4, Pioneer stable platter transport and Cambridge DAC - The A400 sounded very neutral and magically delicate and powerful :)

Now if the Pioneer were available in 120v I would be happy with that, but that's another story...

I now have a Creek 4330R integrated and an as yet untried Adcom GFA 5200 Power Amp (watts are less important that the quality of them).

My question is would an complete Adcom system including say the GFA 450 Pre/Tuner sound better than the Creek on it's own?

I like a neutral and not artificialy "warm" sound which is what I am finding with a lot of gear I've tried.

Any comments will be much appreciated.

San Francisco
Hi Josh,

I would not bother with the Art DI/O. I tried one and Boulder Cable did all they could do to it, but it was pretty unimpressive. One of the late 80 Sony ES top of the line single CDP's will give you better sound, but if you are going that far, just save your pennies and buy a GCD-750, change out the modular bridges for fred based bridges, and the 1N400? diodes for UF4007's. Replace the 1000uF, was it 50V O/P caps with Black Gates. If this is just too much, then get an Adcom 700 DAC and mod it. The GCD-750 would, IMO, be the equal of most, if not any, Stereophile class "A" rated CDPs.

I agree with Lou 3rd. I've been using a slightly tweaked SM-2 for a long while and it sounds great, with a very nice phono section to boot. I've slipped it into various systems and it has compared well with many highly rated preamps without the need to trade in your car. Totally reliable. Lou was also right about the 750. Not sure if it's worth the extra cost though. Perreaux build quality is excellent and Dan up in Buffalo is great if you ever need help.
Hi Miles,

Depends, upon system resolution, etc. I am not sure what you mean about extra cost though. I am going to assume that you mean over the cost of a DI/O, You can have my DI/O it is garbage! The voltage regulator went in it, and it is such junk that I am not even going to repair and sell it, I think I would be doing someone a disservice.... The GCD-750 is very good stock, but moded through my Acoustat Spectra 3300's it was on par with my Bidat, which is one of the best DACs ever made IMO. I do need to test it with cone speakers to be sure, the Acoustats can be partial to some odd gear.... :-)

Best Regards,

Lou: I think that Miles was referring to the cost of the Adcom GFP-750 as compared to what the modified Perreaux SM-2 would give you for far less money. Given the basic build quality of the Perreaux products, i would agree that substituting a few key components with higher grade parts would probably result in an overall better performing product for less money. This is not to say that i think that Perreaux pieces are close to the ultimate, but that they offer very reasonable performance with the potential to be much better than some other newer and more expensive products. That is, if one is willing to invest in "old technology" and do the work themselves or pay someone to do it. Sean
Thanks Sean,

I am not sure what a GFP-750 is capable of, but a well moded SM-2 is pretty hard to beat.
