A. Primary 2 Channel System.
By myself, always selected content, always focused listening. Frequently Donna on the sofa, loves the music, doesn’t care about imaging. Occasionally focused/semi-focused listening with friends to content and/or equipment.
B. Office System:
Always purposeful background. Always working, sitting dead center of monitor and speakers, excellent imaging.
Computer: I put on Pandora, pick or shuffle stations, discover new to me content/artists. What grabbed my attention while working, buy some?
Computer: YouTube music videos up here occasionally
Turntable or Reel to Reel, select content, start, back to work, thus selected background.
C. Small Home Theater
Audio has been a big part of enjoying video, since I pulled the speaker wires out of old CRTs, hooked to decent speakers, the audio signal was surprisingly good, made any video more involving.
Early Home Theater. Onkyo made the 1st Receiver with a TV Tuner in it, I pre-ordered one, signal from my roof antenna. And, all FM is between tv channels 6 and 7, so you could grab FM from your cable feed, until, you guessed it, they blocked the FM on their signal.
Along came dolby, VCR’s, 5.1 surround, DVD/Blu-Ray, improved cable audio (not always, I avoid pseudo surround).
I watch a lot of music based video, dvds, broadcast and YouTube, and enjoy darn good audio of any other content, i.e. Korean Dramas, Netflix, Amazon Prime
D. Shop/Garage System: always selected content on while working, remote volume and mute important!