Great to see you and thanks for joining this thread! I am using an immersive audio system (9.2.7) and the soundstage improvement when I added my most recent Add Powr component was very noticeable. I might get an enhanced benefit because I am using around 12 active speakers with two internal monoblock amps each, one driving the woofer, and one driving the tweeter.
You know how a screen looks with a projected image on it when you go from living room (good) light to pitch black (crystal clear)? That is an analogy of what happened to the sound when I plugged in my most recent add powr upgrade. The sound went from being good (like a screen in the living room light) to crystal (like a nice Dolby Vision image in a pitch black room.) I wasn’t expecting that level of improvement and it made me smile, thank you! I will be looking forward to adding the Symphony I/O soon.