@steam_engine enjoy what sounds good to you. It’s really easy to chase tweaks and changes in the pursuit of better and lose the magic of what got you excited in the first place. If you like your vintage Sansui, enjoy it! Measurements and specs will tell you even a really modest amp / receiver is light years beyond the 8080 but that in no way means it will sound better to you. Digital measure “better” than spinning records yet look at how many Audiophiles prefer the later. Also look at how big the “Vintage Audio” market has gotten, there is large group of folks that swear by the right vintage gear being better than new, more modern gear. Find what you like and enjoy it, your ears are the only ones that matter. If it were me, I’d keep both the Freya and 8080, grab an amp for the Freya and then you can compare the different set ups. Rich gives some great advice and insight on vintage gear, in essence it was designed to make the different mediums available sound their best, FM Tuners, Tapes, Records. They were far from perfect, units were designed to make the front end of the equation sound as good as it could. If you pair new, high end gear from today with those sources from back in the day, likely would sound terrible, would highlight every weakness, all that’s missing or flawed. Good luck!! Enjoy!!