Advice/feedback needed on Morch UP4 setup

I am trying to set up a new Morch UP4 arm on a new Amazon Model One table. I have no experience or exposure to this set up or any experience with setting up arms and carts since the early eighties. The question I have is concerning the lack of stability of the assembly at the pivot point. Should it be loose? I have put the weights on and installed the wand and it is still very unstable at the pivot point. I realize this assembly is riding on a bearing and that it is really the only point of contact but I can't beleive it is not supported laterally somehow. For instance, if I have the arm in it's base along with the prescribed weights on and the wand installed and I pick it up by the head shell with one finger it rotates, or spins, if you will. I hope this question makes sense, if anyone out there has set up a Morch UP4 hopefully you have seen the same. An advice/ experience/ feedback is greatly appreciated.
Thanks for your info I realigned my cartridge a couple a days ago with my wally tracker mirror,using very powerful magnification,a jewelers hat.I swear I put on a jewlers hat
that has 3 sets of magnification.The last set is a cicular mirror about 3 inches round that lets me see the stereo needle up close and personal.The little hat only cost me $5.00 at an electronic shop,But has paid for itself dearly.
I can now get my overhang set right on the money by using the hat and observing the tip of the needle landing right in my cross hairs on the wally tracker mirror.I never had my Grado Silver sounding so good.Now I can't wait to start all over again with the Grado Ref. Ref. when I get that on the first of the month I will definately be getting me a digital vtf scale as well .
Happy Listening
I bought a Micro-Tech scale through Musicdirect for $160. It measures to 1/10th of a gram and it's platform for the stylus to rest on is low at platter height. Too expensive though, somebody somewhere is buying these things for ten bucks i bet.

Maybe not ten bucks, but you might want to check out Save on Scales. I have no affiliation with them, and haven't even bought a scale from them yet, but their prices seem to be good.

Thanks a bunch AM_ dial.What scale did u get?.I checked out the web site and they are very resonable indeed in price.
I suppose any of the real small 200 gram ones would work,
do u think so?
Ditto on the recommendation. Also ebay. You can get a .01g digital scale for well under $100. This has been recommended many times here.

The only hitch is that you have to DIY some kind of platform to drop the stylus on, in order to weigh at record height and keep the cartridge away from the often magnetic scale. Your platform can be made with a cut up credit card, a bent strip of (non-ferrous) sheet metal or even a folded piece of paper, depending on your rig.
I thought I should post this on the Audiogon for people how may have the Morch UP-4 Arm.
I had noticed on my instructions from Morch that"The height of the pickup lifter is adjusted so that the stylus is about 4mm above the record,when the pickup lifter is in the raised position.Well I had to look up the conversion metric tables on the internet,and this is about only under one eight of an inch or so.Here I had my arm up ATLEAST 1 INCH OR MORE.I then realized my VTA was off so far I haven't been able to hear what my front end really sounded like yet.
I know what it sounds like now.WOW IS ALL I CAN SAY.I don't think people realize just how good this arm really is unless its properly installed and all alignments are right on.
Well I just thought I should post this for Morch owners.Also the supplied arm cable that comes with the arm
is very good indeed,once the VTA is dialed in.I was looking for a new arm cable,but I think people need too seriously set up your front end correctly first.You may save yourself
money by not really needing other arm cables.