Advice from members

I have just started putting my first system together and have been enjoying it for about 6 months or so and am starting to research what I should upgrade in the current system next. I am looking to improve both clarity and soundstage. This is what I am currently running, the biggest and most noticable difference to date has come with the introduction of room correction via the Dspeaker Dual Core. Here is the current setup. I am debating on simplifying by going to a all in one solution like a Anthem STR integrated OR introducing a higher quality DAC into the current system:
  • Source: Innuos Music Server (MINI MK2) running Roon server and being used as a player
  • DAC/Preamp/Room Correction - Antimode Dual Core. - To leverage the best input on the dual core I am using a Musical Fidelity VLINK USB to SPDIF (24/96) converter
  • AMP - Using a Jolida 1501P Hybrid AMP
  • Speakers - ELAC Unifi UF5 Floor Standing with a ORB Audio 200 watt Sub that is corrected via the Dual Core.
I am wondering what the weakest link the chain is and the one I should look at upgrading next.
Many thanks in advance, looking forward to everyones feedback.
I'm going to 3rd room treatment. Check out GIK acoustics; sound improvement per dollar is here rather than any gear. This is pretty much always true.
Your room is the weakest link. You need room treatment. I'm using Primacoustic in my dedicated room. It has made more of a difference than any gear change ever could. The room and your ears are the most important parts of any system regardless of cost. Until you address the room seriously you will never be happy with the sound.

Thanks again everyone.  Given that I have tackled the room with the dual core and the room correction upto 500hz, does room correction still play a large role?  The introduction of room correction made a HUGE difference in improving soundstage and cleaning up (tightening) bass response
Room equalization is great for frequencies below the Schroeder frequency. Above that, it will be pretty ineffective, and you will need damping materials (carpets, bookcases etc). In your case, the Dual Core is connected to the subwoofer (I assume), and will not, of course, equalize the main speakers that will stil be generating room modes between, say, 50-150 Hz. If you want to adres those as wel you wqil nee dhe new DSpeaker X4 DAC/preamp/room eq. Unfortunately it is rather more expensive.