metrum octave
mhdt any current model
schiit gumby
van alstine fet hybrid
not nos r2r but sounds like it -
ayre codex
mhdt any current model
schiit gumby
van alstine fet hybrid
not nos r2r but sounds like it -
ayre codex
Advice on a budget R2R DAC
alaindexe Advice on a budget R2R DAC For great sounding budget priced "discrete" R2R dacs, go with Soekris range of R2R dacs. (Get one with volume control and go direct to poweramp.) US distributer many models sold out My pick for value is DAC 1421 Cheers George |
thx all for your suggestions... they are greatly appreciated... georgehifi : these are quite rare in Canada but I will add it on my list... jjss49 : is the Octave better than the Amethyst ? audiosaurusrex : RME is manufacturer of sound studio equipment (like Benchmark) and I want to get away from the «studio sound». mlsstl : thx... i'm gonne do some research about this Sh**t ;) |