There is no realistic way to predict how ANY cable will match either your particular musical preferences or your particular choice of components. You MUST do this by trial, particularly when expensive cables are concerned. The means finding a dealer to try out cables or using one of the companies that has a huge line and offers in-home trial (e.g., check out
A lot of the better, and very expensive, cables are extremely fast and detailed sounding, and in my opinion, less suited for headphone listening than for speaker listening (experience based on Stax Omega II headphones). So, recommendations based on listening to speaker systems may be WAY off the mark.
As a general rule, most brands have a particular "house" sound, so I would start with trying different brands first before refining the search within a particular brand that suits your system/taste. However, there are some exceptions, such as NBS, which has different lines with distinctively different sound.
I think you should either work with a dealer with a broad line of interconnects or with one of those companies offering home trial.