ADVICE Please: Best Processor under $3K?

I am currently working on the system upgrade and hoping to get some expert advice. I am trying to figure out the best processor under $3K that is available in current used market. I need 7.1 set up and preferably balanced input but this is not a must...I mainly watch movie about 90% of the time and 10% music.

My candidates are following in order of preference.
1) Lexicon MC-4
2) Lexicon MC-8B (with bit of streach)
3) Arcam FMJ AV8
4) Theta Casanova
5) Integra Research RDC-7
6) Tag mclaren AVR 32R ex

I truly appreciate your advice or comment !!

Thank you !!
I home auditioned the Outlaw 990 to replace my Proceed AVP2/CVP2 because the Proceed is no longer supported (at least no more software updates) and because the Outlaw offers a complete set of balanced outputs and HDMI switching. I discovered there really is a difference between a $6000 processor (that I bought used for under $3K) and a $1000 processor. There was just no comparison. So I sent the Outlaw back. They were very easy to work with though - and they paid the return shipping.