Aerial 10T Mk2 - Suitable Amplifier?

Audiophile newbie here. I found a mint pair of Aerial Acoustic 10T (Mk2) speakers at an estate sale. They came with Kimber 8-strand (per polarity) cables (4 cables for bi-wiring) and a Rotel RB-971 (70 watts/channel) solid-state amp. Sound sources are connected via the preamp stage of a Denon DRA297 (no speaker cables connected to the Denon). I’m delighted with the speakers, which eclipse the Vandersteen Model 1 pair that are now my TV speakers. Audiophile friends have made amp suggestions including bi-amping. I’m hoping for suggestions from Audiogon members regarding amp (or preamp and amp) selections that would bring out the best in the Aerials.
Grateful for the suggestions so far. What do you think of the Belles Aria to drive these MK IIs? They happen to be made in my city, and I’ll be checking them at an expo on Saturday. It’s an integrated amp (, which could work as a preamp for an eventual larger power amp. Headphone and MM phono stages are included.
It will work, but I think they need a minimum of 200W per speaker.  The more the better.
I had a pair of 10ts, Sold them cause they just werent 'alive'. Now I find yout why, I was feeding them only 100wt/ch via an Ayre V3. Oh, well...
Im into tubes now. But I'll say, buy the Ariels but try several powerful transistor amps B4 you buy
Thanks again for your suggestions. I bought a Bryston 4B-ST, the Audio Research SP16-L tube pre, and a PS Audio Perfectwave DAC. Swapping out the Rotel for the Bryston has been a revelation. Music I thought I knew well was being heard only dimly, by contrast to how the 10Ts respond to new amp. Amazing sound stage, detail, and full frequency response. I'll add the preamp over the weekend and the DAC next week. Words are inadequate. As they say, talking about music is like dancing about architecture.Tip of the hat to TMR Audio, Rich Carroll at drrnc2, and David Weinhart.
You didn't say what was your previous system but the gears that you have lined up with the ARC pre and the Bryston amp, paired with the 10T should impress even jaded audiophiles. Congratulations and glad you didn't skimp out on the power. Let us know when you get the whole system all set up.