Aerial 5T impressions

Any owners of Aerial 5T out there that want to share their impressions?

I currently have B&W CM6S2's..
They are very detailed speakers with good bass. Sometimes the highs are a little on the bright side and I was listening to a pair of the Aerial 5T's.  They sound more neutral to me with less emphasis on the extreme high end.  Beautiful build quality. 

If you have similar or other experience with them I would  e very interested. 

Sorry man, sometimes threads expand in all directions, and in fact I think it is a good thing. We are still talking about speakers and drivers.
Indirectly, maybe we are talking about 5T too, that's, there is not much to say about them.
I'll post my impression as I just had them for a home trial for 3 Days to compare to my B&W CM6s2. 

Qualified with my equipment 

The B&W are very detailed with full bass.  Sometimes bright if listening to rock or female voices. Excruciating bright at times. 
The B&W at first inpress you with the details and the imaging.  I hear sounds coming fronm the kitchen, but that's a parlor trick Bose does that too.  They are a very good sounding speaker on well recorded music like Jazz and acoustic. Not a rock speaker too bright.  The B&W received excellent reviews.  Build quality is lacking. 

The Aerial 5T - not much has been written about them.  Maybe Michael Kelly decided to stop paying the reviewers.  Word of mouth is all you really need if you have customers that enjoy the hobby.  Well these Aerial 5Ts are musical.  They are as close as I think I will get to the sound of a live voice.  They don't try to impress you with there brightness for their bass.  The B&W in comparison were ultra bright with boomy bass.  The Aerial are precise, clear detailed where they are suppose to be and tight quick bass.  

Ask yourself when you go to listen to live music. Do you say wow that mandolin, violin, guitar, banjo piano, drums ... Sound so good so detailed.  I don't think so you hear all of the music blended together balanced.   That's when you know Aerial knows what it means to reproduce music.  

I have a pair of 5Ts at the office paired with my Luxman L590AX.  These speakers are great and incredibly detailed and musical.

I have grown to appreciate the Aerial sound so much that I will be purchasing the 7T for my home rig - they will be replacing the B&W 803 D3.

I am always amazed when someone says they have such high level of audio at their office. 

The Aerial 5T sounded like authentic music not over embellished highs that I have in my current B&W cm6s2.  I just added a yggy DAC that took my music to another level.  

Did you listen to other bookshelf speakers before deciding on the 5Ts?