Aesthetix IO vs. Manley Steelhead vs. The Groove

For those who have heard at least two of these, please compare the sound quality of any of the following three phono preamps:

1. Aesthetix IO or IO Signature
2. Manley Steelhead
3. The Groove

Let me know what you think of the sonic biases
and flaws in these products as well as what each does especially well. Any t/t and cart recommendations which work especially well with any of these would be recommended.


Ray Hall
It certainly sounds like a number of people prefer the IO by a wide margin to the Manley. I can see that the tubed power supply and lack of a transformer would certainly give the IO the edge.
I ran the Manley Steelhead for a few months and then Auditioned it against the Tom Evans Groove +. I was definitely into the Steelhead but once I hooked the Groove up I was amazed at how much better it sounded to me. I went from enjoying my listening to a huge smile from ear to ear that I had no control over.

The Groove has so much more presence than the Steelhead. It seemed to float through the music so much more effortlessly. I likened it to a 14 year old bully beating up on a 9 year old computer geek.

I also appreciate the fact that I do not have to wait for it to warm up as long as I did with the Steelhead. You never know when the vinyl bug is going to bite. Sometimes you think of a record and have to run over and hear it right that second.

I'm running a Vpi Hrx, Lyra Skala, and of course the Groove.
Quote: "It certainly sounds like a number of people prefer the IO by a wide margin to the Manley"
That is how it sounds on this thread, but this is not what it is indeed. I recently compared A to B (for a couple of days) both units with factory standard tubes ( IO was factory upgrade to Signature).
In my system which is Technics 1210 with Denon 103(and Empire 400 III D gold), Shindo Auergies L(pre), Audionote Kit-1 2A3(amp), Avantgarde Duo 2.2 (speakers), Kubala Emotion IC & speaker cables, Manley sounded significantly more musically and emotionally engaging and true to the music. That been said, if i'll bump in to to "steal" priced IO, i'll get it as second phono, but it is not necessary at all. If you have Stealhead already, there is nothing that you will be missing by not having IO, just different - a bit less natural but somewhat pleasant sound which might be enjoyed on certain types of music (electronics for example). IO has tighter bass and a is a bit smoother than Manley, but tradeoff for that is loss of liveliness and emotional engagement.
Again, If you have a choice of only one phono which to use on all type of music, and your values are closer to real music emotional presentation, then, IMO it definitely be Manley (given that both units priced the same).
I'm pure 100% hobbits (means loosing but not making money on audio gear ;~)), not a dealer and not associated with any audio manufacturer.
quote: "That been said, if i'll bump in to to "steal" priced IO, i'll get it as second phono, but it is not necessary at all"
I further compared both units for another day on two carts now - Denon 103, and Shelter 901, and at this point i doubt very much i'll be interested in IO, even as a second phono. Every time i switched to from IO back to Manley the last one was clear out-performer, especially with Shelter 901, so, what's a point.
I'm wondering now if any of the posters here compared those two A-B in the same setup or not?

Did you notice that many of the posts on this topic were back in 2003?

My post from 2004 still pretty much expresses my opinion today. Aesthetix top tier (Eclipse) with ideal choice NOS tubes is still among the finest ever offered. You can only get so good and it qualifies as excellent.

It's been 7 years since my post and more than a decade since I purchased my first Aesthetix. I have since switched to Allnic which is more of the same as the Aesthetix sound and even less like the Steelhead.

All that aside, the Steelhead is a high quality piece of equipment and the fact you like it is enough. Enjoy it and don't worry about comments derived from tests a decade ago.