Oscar44, your testing results aren't surprising. I've read many times of people that didn't receive any but marginal (or no) improvements from a particular power cord. Lesser PS Audio cords have often been mentioned in this regard. My experiments with DIY VenHaus "Flavor" cords were similar, only marginal improvements. The Cryo-Parts and Virtual Dynamic cords I've got were instantly producing very audible improvements in my system. Don't worry about double blind tests to validate your impressions. I doubt any power cord produces uniformly repeatable effects in a wide variety of systems. I'm a rational person by nature, but I also accept that there are things which contribute to improved sound which we don't understand fully. If you bought a half dozen of a particular cord that is universally praised for producing improvements, it's quite possible you'd not receive uniform improvements in all your components. I've heard far more variation in performance of power cords at given price point than has been the case with interconnects. Power conditioning is another example of similar product interactions. I and many others have used a given power conditioner and praised it's contributions to our systems while an equal number have found the same condioner to be lacking.